Hello, and welcome to my photos page. The images below were taken during diffferent performances at the Blue Angel Acoustic Cafe in the Horn Pub, St Albans. Which is held each Sunday between 3pm and 6pm. It's an open mic. Come along. Introduce yourself to Bill to get your name down for a slot.
I would put their Facebook link here but its a closed group. It's called the Blue Angel Acoustic Cafe. There is a link from the Horn web page.

copyright Andy Pinder

copyright Brad Wigglesworth

copyright Perry Bacon
Another photo of me playing . This time I'm at the Farmers Boy, London Road, St Albans at one of Pete Suttons Open Mic. he has a Facebook page.

Which by the way are on the first Wednesday of the month from 9:00pm until 11:00pm
So, as you can see I have four guitars. The only update being the Telecaster has had a body change and is now sunburst.
Also I am getting some new T shirts. Unfortunately my weight hasn't gone down yet. I still have some hair left so haven't resorted to wearing a hat all the time. I do like hats.